Christian identity

Christian Identity

Original image from Google Circle. I don’t own the rights nor am I am making any money on it.

I get hung up too much on me. That is a ghastly confession.

Why? Because I should not be so important. I am a CHRISTian, and Christ is my identity. I must represent Him.

Of course, I want comfort. But Jesus is principally interested in souls, in getting others to Heaven, into relationship with him.

It’s not me that matters. Only Christ matters. Let the light shine.

7 responses to “Christian identity

  1. Oh. I can so relate! I do a lot of me, me. It is hard sometimes not too. Good post. 🙂 Have a wonderful day and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. We are a best mirrors of Christ like the moon is of the sun, we have no light of our own. We can only reflect Christ, and try our best to wipe ourselves clean with his blood!

  3. Amen! We have been baptized into Christ! It is no longer I who live, but Christ in me!

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