The Mustard Plant

The mustard plant mentioned by Jesus — generally agreed to be the brassica negra variety, or black mustard — grows to a height of nine feet! This monster of a plant comes from a seed 1 mm in diameter. Usually we think of a bush and don’t realize just how big this mustard seed can grow! Look at how small the adult man appears in front of the mustard plant/tree.

56 responses to “The Mustard Plant

  1. Thanks for checking out my blog!
    I love your blog….Jesus IS Lord! Amen!

  2. Oh wow! I really did not realize how big this plant is!

  3. I’m not the most religious person and my knowledge is slim. But I DO consider myself spiritual in many ways. The mustard seed is something that speaks to me. I feel there is a reason you found my blog, so that I could find yours. I look forward to reading your blog and learning more about it!

  4. thanks for the views on my blog and the follow – I appreciate it, very humbled by the generosity

  5. Thanks for like a post on my blog! And God bless you and your ministry!

  6. Hello…thank you for liking one of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.

  7. Thank you for sharing this photo. Such a tiny seed! Such a gigantic tree! The picture beautifully illustrates what Christ meant about having the faith of a mustard seed. I have a mustard seed necklace that my aunt gave me years ago. They were quite popular at one time.

  8. Thank you for visiting I appreciate the blog like – it’s nice to meet you. I have a friend who will soon devote her life to mission work and will pass your link along.

  9. Hi Pastor Mike,
    Another brick in the wall. Pass the mustard.
    Happy Trails, . . .

  10. Greetings. Thank you for visiting my site. Mustard seed, I have mentioned this seed in one of my post. Glad you are using it as to well for the Glory of God. Pax tecum

  11. Hi.
    I have nominated you The Very Inspiring Award. Go to to check it out. God bless.

  12. Ivegotconfidence

    Thank you so much for visiting Ivegotconfidence again. Your interest means so much and I trust that God will bless you as you seek His face to do what He has called you to do. He is indeed a great God and is worthy of our praise and adulation. As you give of yourself to others on His behalf, He will give back to you of Himself…what more could we ever want!?! Blessings!

  13. I have had thoughts about the mustard seed parable for some time. The photo helped my thought process. I hope to post something on this soon

  14. Two years ago this Easter [roughly], I started a group called,”Mustard Seeds and Lilies,” over on a web site called Red Bubble. I have since been removed as Host but count it as joy [after being attacked with a lie and a false claim by an atheist] to feel and know I will be persecuted for my belief in Jesus Christ. The name of your site speaks volumes to me for from the smallest seed we see the quickest growth. Mustard Seeds and Lilies is still an active site… so the truth of the Gospel can still speak there, and we know He lives. Take care Pastor Ashcraft… it is nice to meet you.

  15. Pingback: Breaking the Rules | theseeker

  16. Praise the Lord for evangelizing the web community. In my post:
    I mentioned your site as one of the recipients of inspiration. God Bless.

  17. You are so Welcome!

  18. hisnamebpraised

    Thank you so much for visiting hisnamebpraised and liking the post. Also thank you for and I pray blessings for your message and ministry for helping people with biblical lessons for finances. Take care. Doug

  19. Thanks for like my blog on Thoughts on Prayer!

  20. Adriatic Heart

    Thanks for the like at Seeking Hearts of Italy! I knew this plant got big, but I didn’t realize it got quite this big! Amazing! You’ve got some great posts here!

  21. wow. 🙂 by the way Thank you so much for taking the time to follow my blog.

  22. Thanks for taking time to read and click the “like” button on my blog. I am curious, you do realize that I write, as a Christian, in support of marriage equality, for my lesbian Christian friend? I didn’t want there to be a mistaken impression. We, she and I, appreciate any interaction. It means that there’s a chance that peace might break out and she might not be repressed but, welcomed as any Believer should be. Again, thanks. I think the Mustard Seed might also be an appropriate analogy for us as we are trying, in our own small way, to grow, too.

  23. Thank you for teaching me English.

  24. This really helps illustrate the Bible story about mustard seed. So tiny yet growing so big. 🙂 Blessings!

  25. First time I have ever seen a picture of the plant, and it is quite impressive. God bless.

  26. Wow! So amazing! Thank you.

  27. Cool, it almost looks like a weeping willow tree.

  28. It reminds me of God’s generosity! And ours as well! “The world of the generous gets larger and larger.” (Proverbs)

  29. Thanks for your like of my post, “”Jehovah?” – “Jesus?” – Let’s Talk About It;” you are very kind.

  30. We use black mustard seeds in Indian cooking on a regular basis. I had no idea that they came from such a big plant. Also, thanks for visiting and following my blog.

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