Be a storm chaser

brave the stormWhen it comes to God’s kingdom, we shouldn’t shirk from the adventure. No fear should makes us cower. We should be “bold as lions” and thirst for the things we are most afraid of.

Is it tithing? evangelism? discipleship? church planting? ministry? Take it on, and ride the storm. Don’t seek the comfy life of never challenging the devil. I’d rather die on the warfront than in a retirement home bed.

Dare for more in your Christian walk. Risk for Christ.

29 responses to “Be a storm chaser

  1. Thank you posting I needed to hear this word.

  2. i’m sure you would enjoy mark batterson’s book, “in a pit with a lion on a snowy day.” it’s about our christian calling to chase lions!

  3. Great message and reminder to my husband and I right now as we seek the Lord for the next step in serving Him. Love you thoughts on braving the storms and risking all for Christ.

  4. Thank you for the challenge. It’s one not to be taken lightly!!!


  5. Wow that is a dramatic picture! With a dramatic and bold message =)

  6. Pingback: brave the storm – by fellow blogger | Turn the Knob

  7. 🙂

    After the last storm (weather-ice), I am not so much a go-getter as the past–a little PTSD going on inside of me but sometimes we have to push on no matter what. Tonight, I just want to curl up and someone tell me it will be ok. 😐

  8. I included a link to this post in one of my recent posts. Here is the link

  9. Funny you should say “We should search for the things we are most afraid of”. Last year I was asked to be an assistant leader for the church’s addiction outreach ministry working with the teen girls. I accepted and soon was left to take over as leader, I was nervous and had just recently reconciled my relationship with God. I didn’t think I was ready being out of touch with God for over twenty years, God had more confidence in me than I did and I’ve become a stronger Christian for this experience. Thanks be to God for giving me this responsibility when even my own son would have nothing to do with me. Glory be to God for answering my prayers, leading my son back home and equipping me to be a light for Him in the eyes of my son and granddaughter. My prayer is that I will continue to be God’s light and that He will soften my sons heart and remove the veil of darkness from his eyes. I pray for the salvation of both my children, please join me in this prayer. Thanks in advance, and God Bless!

  10. Oh, my this is so true. And so many people in the Body of Christ seem to have lost this vision. Keep saying it, Brother!

  11. This is a powerful message of action to prove your Christianity by participating and giving time. I think it is also important to show it through your feelings. By being a kind person, others will seek you out, then you can pass on the message of Light and Hope. Smiles, Robin

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