Suffering for Jesus: the ongoing misadventures of the #ValleyBoyPastor

IMG_0548Some friends have warned me about how hard apartment managing is, and I am starting to see why.

I mean, I had already eaten a hamburger and chips for dinner when my neighbors, the guys who come to my Bible study, invited me over for Mexican food. Of course, I couldn’t refuse their hospitality, and Mexican food is my absolute favorite. So there was nothing left for me to do but soldier through and inflict suffering on my poor little stomach.

There was a good side to all this deliciousness, and that was I got exposure to people who may come to Christ in my ministry — which of course is an opportunity to die for. Again, it was through no effort or genius on my part. God is bringing the revival — and the Mexican food.

But if this “suffering for Jesus” continues much longer, I could get chubby.

3 responses to “Suffering for Jesus: the ongoing misadventures of the #ValleyBoyPastor

  1. Haha Nice one! Well to be honest I’m a foody too, and I thank God for always providing me with my needs Amen Hallelujah God is great Glory Glory Glory!

  2. God has a sense of humor! And you do too!

  3. Suck it up, Cupcake! 🙂 In more ways than one!!

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