Andrew Huberman prays to God

Blockbuster podcaster Andrew Huberman – who brandishes a PhD to make brain science accessible to the general public – has reaffirmed his faith in God recently, though he came up short on clarifying which religion he subscribes to.

“I’ll go on record, I’m very comfortable saying I believe in God,” said the associate professor of Stanford University on a Cameron Hanes podcast. “There are many things science can explain and many things science can’t explain. All the elements of science are entirely compatible with the idea of there being a God.”

Huberman hinted that he follows and believes in the God of Christianity when he affirmed that he’s studying the Bible: “I’ve actually started reading the Bible recently,” he says. “I feel like it’s my duty to learn and compare the Old Testament with the New Testament.”

He discreetly danced around the question of which God he prays to, probably because he was afraid to scare off listeners (on whom his livelihood depends), whether Christian or otherwise. His circle of friends, fitness, and growth podcasters, tends to believe in an ill-defined “higher power.”

But his faith affirmation is still significant because of his bonafide scientific credentials (so many PhD-holders in the last three decades held that science undermined faith) and because of his sway over a vast swathe of worldwide listeners (Huberman has 4.38 million subscribers on YouTube alone).

Andrew Huberman says he grew up in a religiously diverse home. But the different faiths in his home, or lack thereof, did nothing to discourage him from praying “secretly.” In his late teens, he jogged down to Sands Beach in Santa Barbara, where he prayed.

His prayer life has picked up steam more recently because of friends who encouraged him to up his game.

“I absolutely pray. We can’t control everything,” he says. “I pray out loud in the morning and sometimes again in the middle of the night… Prayer has given me peace. And this is going to sound weird and people are going to say ‘What are you talking about?’ but it works. There were certain things I was grappling with that I couldn’t resolve.”

Since the Scopes trial in 1925… Read the rest: Does Andrew Huberman believe in God?

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