Brighten your worldview

  • How to pray?
  • Bible prayers
Guatemala mission

The church I left behind and now is being worked by Pastor Steven Fernandez

Sometimes Christians adhere to Elijah’s perspective: I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too — 1 Kings 19:10 NIV. Our outlook is bleak, and we whine annoyingly at “sinners.”

So what is God’s worldview? God saw all that he had made, and it was very good — Gen. 1:31 NIV. Now, sinners are bad because they’re sinners. But why are Christians downers? Honestly, I don’t blame a lot of sinners for not wanting to convert to Christianity based on what I see in my brothers and sisters. If that’s joy, then who needs it?

church in Guatemala

People are true riches

If we truly believe God wins in the end, then we should have a victorious, joyous attitude always. We should pray with confidence, not with woe.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty — Psm 91:1 KJV. We need to dwell on God and NOT dwell on the bad things that drag us down.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things — Phl. 4:8 NIV.

When you go to prayer, don’t bring your rants. Knowing God will convert the sinner, heal the sick, provide for the needy, turn the tide of evil, pray with this mindset.

29 responses to “Brighten your worldview

  1. Outstanding post GOD is the healer of everything in Jesus Christ precious name. I think this is why GOD placed our eyes in the front of our head to look forward and not look back. Good times are coming!

  2. Being positive and joyful is contagious and helps spread the love of Christ.
    Great post…
    It saddens me that many of my Christian friends have negative focus. There is of course sin, sorrow and pain in this world.
    However, there is an abundance of good, joy, love and always hope.
    “I will smile more today than I did yesterday, simply because Jesus loves me.” – my best friend Tabby
    I admire my friend for this outlook and can assure you she always succeeds in doing so.

  3. What a great post!! Philippians 4:8 has been on my heart and mind today. :0)

  4. My dear friend, I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! Congratulations! Please visit this link:

  5. Amen! Great post, you made my day! My pastor preached about that last Sunday and he kept asking us: ” Why are you joyful today? “. We are Christ’s ambassadors here on earth and if we rely on Him, we’ll be able to show the world how great is our Lord…

  6. Hmmm, this was the topic of our bible study last night–how can we witness to others if we don’t radiate the joy of the Lord? I’m reminding myself of this as I post this comment…

  7. Anything short of Hell is a blessing! When I think of what He’s done…I’ve got many reasons to smile and have joy. We’re going to Heaven! GLORY!

  8. God is the healer of everything!

  9. I blogged on a similar theme. Still amazed that more Christians just don’t get the amazingness of God and walk in that joy.
    Think Alison has said much of what I wanted to say.
    God is good – come on!!

  10. Please accept this Award
> Very Inspiring Blogger Award 
    I hope you can give this award to someone else deserving.
Thank you, and well done!


  11. Great reminder to all Christians! Thank you!

  12. We as Christians need to be BOLD about approaching the throne of God for our brothers and sisters who are discouraged or who are in need of financial care. We have no problem spending $100 on a meal of sushi with a friend. But a family who has spent much of their life sharing Jesus in a foreign land….we let them starve in our very own land. What is wrong with us? Our children sacrificed their childhood, their life, their extended family and they did it willingly! Why do they have to become casualties once they’re in America? They don’t! You’re still a missionary family doing what God called you to do. Where do we send support to keep your ministry going?

  13. Pingback: How do you want to feel today? | My daily thoughts

  14. I’m praying earnestly over a very difficult personal situation right now, and this post is just what I needed. I’m late, but God never is.

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